The first time i checked about ARISTOS competition - a blind review process selection, I was convinced to participate in this to see if i be further selected for this event. Well, ARISTOS is a National Level Summer internship project contest organized each year by NIILM-CMS at the institute itself.
I submitted the synopsis of my summer project that i had proudly implemented at BMW Plant. And after some days i got a mail from NIILM stating that i was shortlisted for the further rounds. Two things that motivated me to consider the competition were (not only Rs. 10,000 prize) the selection list of around 50 students including b-schools such as IIM(L), Jamnalal Bajaj, KJSIMSR, TAPMI, IMT,SIBM, IRMA, TISS, NITIE, BIM, WE School etc; and the procedure for further rounds of competition.
The first round was as per different streams (HR, Marketing, Finance etc) and the panel was consisted of the professors of the institute. The best project with highest marks from each stream would go to the final round to present in front of the Industry judges. I was not only to be the best in my H.R area but among everyone there to prove that i really had the best project.
I decided to participate in the competition as i wanted to increase my confidence level for my placements ahead and to learn from other students' projects too.
I observed in my HR stream (The 1st round) the projects made by other students were very technical; I mean they were not as employee involving as my project was. The confident speaks and it proved at my turn. I completed my presentation very confidently with focus on how my project is different and helpful for the organization and one of the panel members did complement me by saying - "Nice Presentation Vinod!"
AFTER 1st Round
I was sure that i had a good chance to move to the final round since one of the friend participants in my group was constantly telling me that "you will surely be selected". Besides, The student coordinator of NIILM-CMS was also telling me the same frequently. Law of attraction worked and when my name was announced for the final round i was happy that my presentation communicated the intent of my project.
H.R as LAST?
5 Students were selected for the final round and the order of selection was such that being an H.R, my turn was at the last. It is not like i do not have patience but I was contemplating that "why H.R people can not come at first before marketing or finance guys?"
Anyhow this has helped me as i started my presentation with my thought - "Every project and strategy made by company is good but it becomes the best only when employees are felt as employees". I think this start made everyone to listen to me for the next 15min.
First time i delivered a presentation to such a large crowd having all the faculty members, Industry Judges with such a great experience and students all around. That made me little scary but then i talked to myself - "when I could deliver the best in front of the top management of BMW then why to afraid now!" and That gave me a great confidence to proceed.
A judge from ALSTOM appreciated my presentation - "Your project is very different where you involved employees in brainstorm workshops for post satisfaction survey. This kind of bottom-up approach is not implemented in organizations"
I felt like i won the prize of my contribution as such a good feedback given to me. Fortunately, all 3 judges asked me very beautiful questions such as
I felt like i won the prize of my contribution as such a good feedback given to me. Fortunately, all 3 judges asked me very beautiful questions such as
1. What is human resource meant to me?
I was so happy that finally i can express my love for H.R there and i expressed - it is not a resource but the asset for any organization which can result in building org. capabilities and so on...
2. Implementation of my proposed action plan?
My project was itself in implementation form so i shared about the same
3. Logic on Nomination of employees for brainstorm workshops of my project
I explained it with my logic of such process that i designed and implemented at BMW.
I got the first prize overall in the competition and this was something that i was so amazed to see. It was not because i was not confident but i always had this assumption that H.R projects are not well appreciated by the industry in front of marketing, finance and strategy projects. But the judges made me proud of being an H.R and better than marketing and finance guys.

1. Apart from cash prize and certificate (though they will send me it again with right spelling of my name), I got the summer experience of other guys there. A wonderful learning for me.
2. Facing a big crowd gave me confidence which i am sure would help me in more achievements.
3. Confirmation from the judges that H.R is not more below others.
Overall, i made such a good friends, NIILM-CMS students are so friendly. All congratulated me so friendly that i would always keep it in my sweet memories.While leaving from the event, I shared my views with the judge from ALSTOM that HR is not given so importance as marketing or finance; he shared his views with me and also advised me on my further career as an HR manager.
I thank you NIILM-CMS , IMI DELHI, BMW PLANT and everyone for such a great experience :) My efforts are incomplete without thanking to my IMI mentor Prof. Mamta Mohapatra and my BMW mentor cum role model Mr. Subash Ganpathy and Govardhanan sir.